John Ziegler's blog

The Definitive Case That Mike McQueary's Story Is Not to be Believed

Of the many absolutely incredible aspects of the Jerry Sandusky scandal, clearly the most underrated is that the direct connection to Penn State hangs on the remarkably tenuous story of one man (Mike McQueary) and about four words badgered out of an 84 year old coach in poor health who may have just been trying to make sure he didn’t harm the prosecution’s case. 

Breaking News From SMSSS: Was a Key E-Mail in the Freeh Report Altered??


More ALTERED EMAIL? Blowing Up the Freeh Fiction

by Barry Bozeman - aurabass AT yahoo Dot Com

The Reenactment of the Crimes of Joe Paterno

By Thomas A. Praster

How the Media’s Intimidation & Circular Logic Created a “Perfect Storm” Against the Truth

Of the many infuriatingly illogical aspects of how the Jerry Sandusky scandal has played out, the most maddening may be that each media misstep has created the next one. Together they have formed a tidal wave of momentum which has intimidated and stifled any voices of opposition and created the misperception that there is no question that justice has already been served. This has also allowed for unreasonable punishments to be enforced without even basic due process.  

How the Media May Have Framed Joe Paterno

Regardless of what the final facts eventually say about what Joe Paterno knew and when he knew it about Jerry Sandusky’s criminal behavior (contrary to what the media has told you, they aren’t in yet and I have confronted very anti-Paterno "reporters" who admit this privately), the media coverage of him has been as unfair as any I have ever seen. In some ways, the media coverage of Joe Paterno has combined some of the worst elements of both the reporting of the aftermath of Hurricane Katrina and the 2008 presidential election.

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