
Two Must-Hear Interviews From "Framing Paterno"

Dear "Framing Paterno" Donors:

Within the last week or so I have done two interviews to which you are REALLY going to want to listen.

In the first, talk show host Kevin Slaten admits for the first time publicly that he now agrees with my conclusion that Jerry Sandusky is innocent.

You can hear that here:

MAJOR Release From How the "Scandal" REALLY Started

Dear "Framing Paterno" Donors:

On Tuesday I released one of my most extensive (and clearly most compelling) posts in this entire saga. It tells the REAL story of Aaron Fisher and how this travesty likely began. It has already been shared on Facebook an incredible 1,600 times, which is not only extraordinary given the toxic nature of the topic, but also extremely significant because it shows just how strong the sentient is in his community that his story is not true. The complete meltdown that his mother has had since its release is also very revealing. 

Aaron Fisher Tells Philadelphia Inquirer that He Wants to Meet John Ziegler, But Then Backs Down During Epic Facebook Conversation

Dear "Framing Paterno" Donors:

Sunday's Philadelphia Inquirer has a long puff piece on Sandusky "Victim #1" Aaron Fisher. I am mentioned and quoted quite a bit (in a very biased/inaccurate fashion, of course). In the article, Aaron offers to meet with me. When I read this I immediately reached out to him via Facebook. You can read the remarkable exchange we had at this link.

Famed Attorney Urges a Second Look at the Sandusky Case

Dear "Framing Paterno" Donors:

I wanted to share with you an extraordinary Op-Ed in the Centre Daily Times from famed attorney Tom Mesereau. He is a huge Joe Paterno fan and he wrote today about why he has serious doubts about the case against Jerry Sandusky and why he thinks it should be revisited by the public, the media, and the courts. 

Here is the link which I hope you will read and share.

"Framing Paterno" Makes the Most Bizarre, Hilarious & Telling Release in its History!

Dear "Framing Paterno" Donors:

This week I released two posts that you REALLY have to take a look at. 

On Tuesday I put out a flow chart for the case which really should make my theory of the case far easier to understand. You can read that here:

"Framing Paterno" Releases Free Online "Mini Book," "Perfect Sense"

Dear "Framing Paterno" Donors:

Last night I posted a rather unique (and free) "mini book" on the Penn State "scandal" called, "Perfect Sense." It is the result of a ton of work and I am hopeful that, if read it with an open mind, it will let you think about the whole case in a very different way. You will likely get a few laughs as well.

So far, the reaction to it has been extremely positive. I welcome your thoughts as well.

MAJOR RELEASE: 'Framing Paterno" Tells The Full Story of the PSU "Scandal"

Dear "Framing Paterno" Donors: 

Today I am releasing a free, online, "mini book" on the entire case. I am doing this from a unique stand point. I have spent months writing this story from the perspective of what you have to believe happened for you to accept the "conventional wisdom" of the case. 

Franco Harris Reacts to Joe Paterno's Win Record Getting Restored

Dear "Framing Paterno" Donors:

It has been an extremely eventful week and I wanted to share three VERY important interviews with you.

The first comes from my radio show where I did the first interview with Franco Harris since the NCAA restored Joe Paterno's wins. You will REALLY like this and it can be found in the first hour of this link:

Next is an interview I did with WRSC FM in State College:

Must Listen Interviews on Joe Paterno's Wins Being Restored

Dear "Framing Paterno" Donors: 

It has been a LONG 3 years, but as I am sure you already know, yesterday was a remarkable day for justice as Joe Paterno had his wins restored by the NCAA. I have some HUGE problems with how this was done, but it is still a great achievement which could not have happened without the sacrifice of a lot of people.

I would like you to listen to and share two of the interviews I did Friday about this topic.

The first is with KDKA in Pittsburgh:

MAJOR Update From

Dear "Framing Paterno" Donors:

Before you settle down for the holidays, I hope that you take a look/listen to two important interviews I recently did with State College outlets

The first is with WRSC-FM. In it, Jeff Byers, a Penn State employee, courageously comes out in favor of a new trial for Jerry Sandusky.

The second is my third "Ten Questions" interview with Onward State. I think you will find it to be very interesting and entertaining.

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