"Framing Paterno" Releases Actual "Happy Valley" Movie & Interviews With Franco Harris & Dottie Sandusky

Dear "Framing Paterno" Donors:


I have some very important items to share with you and which, hopefully, you will share with others.

First, I am releasing, exclusively, the first half of the actual, unedited "Happy Valley" film (with my commentary in the annotations) which will be released nationally later this month. I plan to release the second half of the film later this week.

You can watch that here:


Second, you can watch my commentary regarding clips in the film related to the McQueary episode here:


Third, on the anniversary of Joe Paterno's firing I did a rather remarkable radio show with Franco Harris and Dottie Sandusky as guests. I strongly urge you to listen that here (Franco comes in at the 27 minute mark of the first hour):



Thanks for your support,


John Ziegler
