Victim 9's Bizarre Story About Joe Paterno Is Proven To Be A Lie

Dear "Framing Paterno" Donors:

I hope that you will read and share widely my most recent article on the case. This one is particularly significant for multiple reasons and I think that it provides a unique insight into how and why this entire saga has evolved the way that it has.

The column deals with a bizarre allegation by Victim 9 who is claiming in his lawsuit that Joe Paterno had lunch with him and Jerry Sandusky (possibly multiple times) and seems to even imply that Paterno was aware of what Sandusky was supposedly up to. I believe I have proven, as much as is possible, that this story is a total lie and one which has potentially profound implications for the real truth of this entire matter.

Here is the link:

Thanks so much for your support.


John Ziegler