Video From Buzz Bissinger Penn State Berks Event

Dear "Framing Paterno" Donors:

I intend to write more extensively about this, but I wanted give you a taste of the Buzz Bissinger event at PSU Berks.

About 20 of us had dinner beforehand and then held up some rather provocative signs as people entered event, for which security was absurdly high (your emails clearly put them very much on edge!).

Here is a photo of those of us in the group who were "brave" enough to pose for the "team' picture outside the event:

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I posted 3 videos so far of Buzz's bizarre and pathetic speech (he was clearly rattled). Here they are in order:

I hope to eventually provide more detail after I return home to California.

In the meantime, please do me a favor and PLEASE watch/share the most recent video I released on the scandal itself, especially part 2 which apparently a lot of people have had trouble finding.


Part 1:

Part 2


Thanks for your support.


John Ziegler